Nominations for 2023-2024 Merrimack County Officers

The officers of the MCRC shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and, if any, a Finance Chair. Officers shall be elected at the fall caucus when members of the MCRC are elected or at the following January meeting. In either event, Officers shall take office at the January meeting following the fall elections or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable.

The Election will take place at our January Meeting – January 18, 2023 @ Alan’s of Boscawen. Meeting will start at 6:00 PM.

B. Chair:
The Chair shall be the chief executive officer and shall ensure that the MCRC complies with all duties as directed by the NHRSC and as outlined in these Bylaws. The Chair shall also ensure the MCRC maintains complete and accurate records and an up-to-date roster of all MCRC members and all Merrimack County Republican town chairs. The Chair may appoint subcommittees of the MCRC for the purpose of formulating and presenting recommendations to the MCRC.

Scott Maltzie
Werner Horn
Karen Testerman

C. Vice-Chair:
The Vice-Chair, under the direction of the Chair, shall assist the Chair in the performance of his or her duties, and in the Chair’s absence shall preside at meetings. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become the acting Chair until the MCRC elects a new Chair.

Patricia Jorgensen

D. Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the MCRC, shall keep proper books of account of all funds received and paid out, and shall render proper accounting to the MCRC at each meeting thereof. The Treasurer shall be fully accountable to the MCRC for his or her acts as Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall make the financial records of the MCRC available to the Executive Committee upon request and shall provide a copy of the MCRC’s monthly bank statements to the MCRC Executive Committee promptly upon receipt. The Treasurer shall be one of the signatories authorized to sign checks on the MCRC’s treasury, and he or she shall pay the bills of the MCRC upon written authorization of the MCRC Chair. All checks in excess of $500, and all checks payable to the Treasurer in his or her individual capacity, shall have two signatures, those of the Treasurer and of the Chair.

Jose’ Cambrils

E. Secretary:
The Secretary shall perform all duties and responsibilities usual to the office. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the MCRC and shall keep and be custodian of the permanent books and records of the MCRC, except the financial records.

Alyssa Ehl

F. Finance Chair:
The members of the MCRC may elect a Finance Chair who shall be responsible for formulating a County fund-raising program and directing implementation of such program as authorized by the MCRC.

Yury Polozov